Sunday, May 20, 2012

New to This!!

Well I broke down and did it! I do not know much about blogging but I thought it would be good to not only share my weight loss journey from this point on with all of you! I think I will first share how I got to this point and from there I will go through my daily trials, tribulations, and triumphs! I am thinking of throwing in recipes that I will be trying or even my favorite recipes and also sharing with you what some of my clients have experienced as well as some other coaches.

Today I will start with how I got to where I am today! I started out at about 245lbs not because I would over eat or eat a ton of junk but because I have PCOS. I even resorted to doing unhealthy things like eating once a day and doing every diet imaginable. If you name it I probably tried it except for Bulimia and Anorexia but very close.

In high school I was about 115-125lbs and then when I hit 17 my weight just steadily increased no matter how active I was. At the age of 23 I was officially diagnosed with PCOS. I would go to the doctor for the PCOS and they would tell me "The symptoms would not be as bad if you would lose some weight." I would tell them how I changed my diet and increased my exercise but they would tell me "maybe you need a personal trainer." When I would ask what I could do to lose weight with a disorder that causes uncontrollable weight gain they would just say that I was not doing enough and needed to exercise more. (By the way have you noticed that the doctors telling you to lose weight are in need of weight loss themselves?)

Well after trying every diet pill and program I could find I came across an ad on craigslist for a weight maintenance program. I though well if I can't lose maybe it will help me not gain. I went and met with my wellness coach and listened to a spill about how great all these other people with other health issues did and all I could think was "Yeah, That's great for them! BUT they do not have this horrible syndrome." I figured what do I have to lose. I signed up for the business end of it at the same time because I needed a discount on the products.

I lost a total of 51 lbs and over 48inches in 10 Months with 2 Herbalife formula 1 shakes (one as a meal the other as a snack), 1 protein snack, and 2 healthy meals along with a gallon of water a day and my vitamin and supplements 3 times a day. This is not the conventional way that the shakes are done but it is what works for me especially since I have a family that needs to eat all or most of their meals.

                                                    This is me before Herbalife @ 245lbs.
This is me at 194.2 with Herbalife

 I will be back later tonight to let you  know how the day went.

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