Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 1 new weight loss journey

Well Last night I did not make it back on to give an update but that is ok. Yesterday went well. Not as healthy as I had planned but still good! Of course I did my shake in the morning and some string cheese as a snack. Lunch was supposed to be grilled mushroom burgers but hubby changed his mind so it turned into hot dogs. That is ok though. For my evening snack I had another shake and Dinner was better. Dinner was a chicken breast cooked in the super wave oven and some garlic sauteed carrots, yellow squash, zucchini, and red bell peppers and mashed garlic potatoes and gravy.

Today started with a berry and pear shake. Doing lots of water today. Snack is cottage cheese. I have not decided on lunch yet but we will see.

Stress today is through the roof. Orders have slowed down this month and husband is not working so bills are piling up and I am going nuts. I have faith though and we will just have to see what the day has in store for us.

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