Thursday, May 24, 2012

Healthy Pregnancy

Today I have decided not to go over my weight loss because I do not want to be boring and say the same thing over and over... Today I think, because I know so many women that are pregnant right now, I will share with you what Herbalife has done for people to ensure that they have healthy pregnancies! These testimonials are amazing! I found Herbalife when my daughter was 2 years old she will be 3 in August. Since I have started the Herbalife program I lost 51 lbs and my daughter uses the Kindermins and the children's shakes and she has never been healthier! Debra Bendt - Port Washington, Wisconsin, USA When my husband & I first found out we were pregnant, we were ecstatic. It had been 6 years since our first child. But I was also a little skeptical because I was so sick with the first pregnancy (for the first 3 months - not on Herbalife yet). Well guess what? I was sicker with our second one and bedridden for the first 3½ months. I was throwing up at least every 45minutes. No exaggeration! I could not keep any food or water down. I had more trips to the doctor because of that than I have ever had before. I continued taking my products but adding Aloe Drink diluted with water. This helped with balancing the acids that were produced in my stomach. These products were incredible, because this is the only thing that would stay down. I lost 9 pounds anyway. Not by choice - the doctor said it would have been much more if it wasn't for Herbalife products because I could not get enough calories in. But my doctor was so excited that the products would stay down. I went on to gain 32 pounds in the next 6 months and gave birth 2 weeks early to a 8lb 7oz and 22” baby girl. The doctors said they had never seen a stronger baby at birth like my little girl. I know that was Herbalife products! Her favorite flavor is ½ chocolate and ½ vanilla, that is what I drank for those 3 months! The best part is I lost all my pregnancy weight with in 2 weeks after the birth. 32 pounds!! Yes, I was also nursing. I was not trying to lose weight. Nor was I on any accelerators such Thermo Complete or yellows. The products I used while I was pregnant and nursing was Formula 1,Formula 2, Formula 3, Rose Ox, Aloe drink, Xtra-Cal and (**Herbal Complex only) in the third trimester. I did not take my prenatal vitamins - they wouldn't stay down but our Formula 2 did! Autumn McNew - Chambersburg, PA, USA Just wanted to share my story with everyone. I began taking Herbalife when I was 5 months pregnant. Before Herbalife I was tired, had no energy and was very sick due to the pregnancy. I had miscarried right before becoming pregnant again, and was headed in the same direction, we feared, until Herbalife. Immediately the first day taking basic nutrition I was feeling GREAT! I was able to eat regular food again, and after 5 months of tea and crackers that's a huge deal. But most of all I knew that I was getting, and still am, the right nutrition for me and my son, not to mention a ton of energy. The rest of the 4 months went wonderful, only gaining about 25 lbs, and losing 41 lbs. so far in 4 months on Basic Nutrition, which I took while nursing. I just began the Ultimate after finishing nursing, and have already lost8 lbs and 6 inches. We love these products. We love HERBALIFE!! Autumn McNew, Mike McNew, Darien McNew, HERBALIFERS!! Pregnancy Nutrition Mandy Eads - Tampa, Florida, USA Mandy used every possible product during her pregnancy and had a far easier time with Brandon then she had 4 years earlier with Jordan. For example, without HL she gained 55 lbs. and Jordan only weighed 6 1/2lbs. With the HL products she only gained 30 lbs. and Brandon weighed 8 ½ lbs. and scored a 9.9 Aptgar test!! Daily Usage · Formula 1 – 2 x day (2-4 shakes per day) · Formula 2 – 1- 3 x a day · Formula 3 – 3-3 x a day · Aloe Juice as needed 8 – 20 ounces per day · (**Rose Ox) Plus – 2 – 3 x a day · Refresh Thermo Complete - 2 Green with 1 Beige – 2 x per week or less (not really needed) · Herbalifeline- 2 – 3 x a day · (**Herbal Complex)- 2 –3 x a day · Yellow - 2 at bedtime · Rose Ox – 1 – 3 x a day · Florafiber- 1 – 3 x a day · * – 1 per day · *- 1 per day · Ultimate Ginkgo – 1 per day · Mega Garlic Plus – 1 per day · Vitamin C – 1 per day · Ocular Defense – 1 per day · Echinacea – 1 – 2 a couple times per week · * – 2 – 3 x a day · Calcium – 2 - 3 x a day · A.M. – 2 in the morning – 1 at lunch – 1 at dinner · NRG tablets – 1-2 per day · NRG tea – approx. 1 teaspoon per day · Herbal Concentrate- approx. 2-3 teaspoon’s per day · Zinc & Echinacea Lozenges & Throat Spray as needed.- (very little) · Protein Powder- 2 tablespoon’s per day Fraser's Herbalife journey started in the womb. His mother, Cynthia, took the Formula 1,2,and 3, Tang Kuie, Florafibre, Herbal aloe, Schizandra, and NRG, throughout her entire pregnancy. After Fraser was born she lost the 24 lbs., that she gained, in 3 weeks. She then added the Thermo Bond and went down another 11 lbs. to my grade 9 weight of 113lbs and maintained it for 2 and 1/2 years till she got pregnant again. Fraser was born a healthy 6.13lb. was breast fed for 2 years and when he was 4 months old started on Kindervites, then at 7 months he started on 1 tsp. Formula 1 and by the time he was 10 months had graduated to 1 Tbsp. per day and all along has consumed Herbal -aloe. Fraser is now 2yrs. 7 months and consumes anywhere from 4 to 8 Tbsp. of Formula 1 everyday. Fraser has never been to the Dr. for any kind of childhood illness. He got his first cold last week which is really remarkable in this day and age with the many viruses that plaque our society. Fraser is a complete vegetarian, has never consumed any dairy products, eggs, meat of any form or any type of store bought formula, he gets all his nutrition through his Herbalife vegetarian diet. Here are a few of Fraser's favourite recipes for formula 1: *shakes with soy milk and juice and any fruit *any flavour powder on toast with margarine *shakes made into popsicles *any flavour powder added to his favourite breakfast cereals *straight off the spoon, so keep it out of reach!!! July 12, 1995, Pregnant again and taking everything except Thermo products and have substituted Act. Fibre, did take thermo yellow for the first couple of months but I do not have a need for weight loss. Jan. 14, 1995 Delivered Noelle on Sept.17, 1995, she weighed 9lbs. 1 oz. I had a total weight gain of 29 lbs and lost it all in 5 weeks taking CNP, all the targeted products plus Thermo Beverage 2x daily, green and beige 1x daily and Thermo yellow 2 daily. I am still nursing Noelle and she gained 4 lbs the first 6 weeks of life! Pregnancy Testimonial Jennifer Robinson I first started taking Herbalife’s products when I was in my last trimester of pregnancy, so I was basically tired, achy, and cranky all the time. I also had backaches, allergies, and indigestion, but because I was pregnant, I didn't want to take any medicine. Within a few days of being on Herbalife’s Nutritional Program, not only was I feeling great, but I felt incredibly rested. I started waking up every day before the alarm – I had never even done that before I was pregnant! I also had no more backaches, no more allergies, no more indigestion, my skin even improved, and I had tons of energy! The best part is that I lost 50 pounds in 3 months after having my baby! I love these products! I basically took every product I could (which is all of them except Green, Beige, Yellow, or Gold - just because when you're pregnant you're trying to gain weight, not lose weight). Here was my daily regimen: Pregnancy Weight Gain Program: · Formula 1 – 1 to 3 times a day, as snacks · Formula 2 - 1 tablet, 3 times a day w/ meals · Formula 3 - 3 tablets, 3 times a day - you need all the absorption you can get! · * - 1 tablet, 3 times a day - need protein absorption when pregnant! · (**Herbal Complex) - 1 to 2 tablets, 3 times a day - a life saver that last month of pregnancy when the water weight tries to bloat you down! · LipoBond - 1 to 2 tablets, 3 times a day - no more pregnancy constipation!!! · Herbalifeline - 3 tablets, 3 times a day - Omega3 fatty acids make that little baby’s brain grow smart!!! · Joint Support - 1 to 2 tablets, 3 times a day -no more back, hip, knee, or ankle aches from carrying all that belly weight! · Herbal Aloe Juice - AT LEAST 4oz, 2 to 3 times a day - no more pregnancy indigestion, constipation, or nausea! · RoseOx - 1 tablet, 2 times a day · (**Rose Ox) - 1 tablet, 3 times a day - I had real bad allergies and took the (**Rose Ox) and RoseOx so that I wouldn't have to take any medicine - it worked! That was my daily routine. And let me tell you, the difference between my pregnancy before being on Herbalife and then my pregnancy after being on Herbalife does not even compare! I will be on these products the rest of my life... ESPECIALLY my other future pregnancies. The #1 most important time you need THE BESTNUTRITION is when you are pregnant or nursing - and HERBALIFE has the BESTNUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS on the market! And I can give you the names of lots of other mothers out there who agree with me!

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