Saturday, May 26, 2012


Along with a season full of fun in the sun and wanting to look good in a bikini Allergies and Sun burns are a big part of the spring and summer fun! I have found that when I use my herbalife products I have less issues with the allergies! And with the Aloe gel the sunburns are bearable. I use the cor products Formula 1, 2, and 3 as well as N.R.G. Tablets, Schizandra, and Niteworks to tame my allergies! Those of us who are cursed with allergies have to deal with an ongoing struggle to deal with the agonizing torture we go through every year. For the last 3 years, my allergies seemed to get worse as I started to get severe sinus pain on my left side of my face in addition to all the other symptoms I had. After taking the products faithfully I realized that something was different this year. I noticed that this spring I did not have as many bloody noses and or as much sinus pressure as I had in the past. I know it is the Products because I have not taken any allergy meds and there is more pollen in MO than Las Vegas. Then I ran out of one of the supplements and started to get those symptoms back and then it was obvious which one was helping! It was the Niteworks which is a powder drink mix that and it had the right stuff to help clear up my allergies. Now, not everyone’s allergies are the same. What worked for me, may not be what will work for you. Just supports more reasons why I will be with Herbalife the rest of my life! Here is what a few others have said: Sami Botelho- Seattle, WA, USA In 1997 I had a knee injury at work that put me on crutches for 7 months. With the inactivity, I gained 40-50 lbs. I already had many years of chronic sinus problems: monthly bouts of sinusitis, frequent infections, sinus headaches and constant congestion or runny nose, PLUS I had numerous allergies that seemed to bother me constantly. Suddenly I started having difficulty breathing...just getting a full breath became problematic for me. Doctor's diagnosis - adult onset Asthma, due primarily to a large and rapid weight gain from an incapacitating knee injury. Over the next few months, I was given a series of steroid medications and inhalers to try to find the best relief: asthmacort, albuterol, beconase, ventolin - all of which gave me some relief, but had horrid side-effects. I reached the point where I was using an inhaler 3-4 times a day just to be able to breathe for a few hours. When I started Herbalife's Ultimate program for weight loss, added Herbal Aloe Drink for digestive health, and Schizandra Plus for overall health, I noticed after a few days that I didn't have to take the inhaler as much and I could breathe easier for longer periods of time. Within a month I was completely off the inhaler and other sinus and allergy medications I'd been on forever. Now, almost four years later, I've only had 3 asthma attacks (triggered by others' smoking) - instead of 3 daily! - and continue to be medication free! (And, I moved to Seattle in Nov 2001 where everyone complains of sinus and allergy problems, and I DON'T!!!) Thank you Herbalife! Susan Minnis After just three months of being on the ultimate green program and taking Schizandra Plus, allergy season hit and, although, I was not being bothered as much as usual, I still had some symptoms. I then added the Rose Ox twice a day and began a Vitamin C regimen. I am glad to say the symptoms are under control in just one month! The 32 lbs. I lost and the energy I now have are nothing to be forgotten either. Herbalife is great! Jennifer Thilman Five years ago I was diagnosed with an allergy to mould. I had 5 sinus infections that summer (working in office buildings has LOTS of down sides!). I resolved myself to having to take Claritin D every day from March through November until I found Herbalife. I now take a Schizandra in the morning and one at night. I also take RoseOx with my dinner meal. I no longer have any allergy problems or sinus discomfort and I save money because with no prescription coverage the Claritin would cost almost a $100 a month. These are just a few if you would like to see more let me know and I will add them to another post!

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