Thursday, October 18, 2012

It Works Review

Hello Everyone!! I know I took my time on this one! Being that I had to make sure that it worked and kept working for 72 hours as the claim stated!  
This wrap was provided by Robin Foose
As you can see these are my before numbers...
This was me before the wrap... Scary I
Like most people I was sceptical however after losing 75lbs I have quite a bit of loose skin! Who wouldn't want that to tighten up? Am I right? So sure lets give it a shot!
The top is before and the bottom is after... 72 hours and I tightened up and lost 3 inches upper, 2 middle, and 4 lower! That is awesome! I have been on my weight loss journey with some of you for about 1 year now and although I was losing weight and inches I was not tightening that loose skin! Now I can!
Robin resides in Pottstown, PA. She prides herself in her accomplishments as an It Works! Distributor, as she should! I enjoyed communicating with her via facebook and knew from her words, that she is a hard worker who only represents the best.
It Works see results (1)
"People just LOVE our products, especially when they see the results in 45 minutes! It’s so exciting to help change someone's life with the It Works! product, whether by having them as a loyal customer or sharing the amazing opportunity as a Distributor– wow!"
Stop by Robin's site and see how she can help you

1 comment:

  1. GREAT results Denise and Thank you for the AWESOME review of It Works! wrap!!!!! I had no doubt in my mind you would not get and see the results....
    Keep using the wraps until you get to where you want to be tightened and toned

    Thank you again for the AWESOME review!!!!
